Post Modernism key terms definitions
Simulacra:- a term coined up by Jean Baudrillard in 1981, is an image or representation, which in basic terms mean something in the world of television that no longer has an original. Baudrillard basically explained that simulacrum is substituting the signs of the real for the real. Such as the McDonald's logo being essentially representing a place of food without any guarantee of food. Other examples of this include a kings crown which represents all of the kings power and importance but its still just a crown which doesn't truly mean power or importance.
Simulation- an act or something that does not actually occur in real life such as a fake world an example of this is disneyland as Baudrillard argued that Disneyland was neither real or fake as it is physically real but it is a made up and "de-real" place as it was created artificially such as Nemesis in Alton Towers representing an alien world we know its not really an alien place but it is created to do so.
Hyper Reality- Baudrillard argues that pure reality is non existent and that everything we do is controlled. Such a higher authority such as the illuminati, Baudrillard wanted to expose the "Open Secret" which was furthered on by a man named Mcdougan. Both philosophers were very controversial as people were very close minded and refused to believe that there whole existence could be a false reality.
Excellent. See if you can push yourself to consider how this would apply to Music Video and consider an artist or song that would incorporate some of these ideas.