Friday, 21 June 2013

Miming Task

We have just completed our first miming session, were we had to mime the lyrics of  "The Foo Fighters- Learn to Fly".

In groups of three we attempted to mime the song, I added a few dance moves to show my confidence and to make the task a bit more interesting. It was difficult as your mind suddenly goes blank in front of the camera and the lights make you feel hot and under pressure. It relieved the tension having two classmates next to you as the spotlight isn't  solely focused on you. It was an easy task as its a known song that is familiar to most people, the lyrics were easy and not complicated. 

The hardest part about the task is learning the lyrics especially if the song in unknown to you, the easiest part about the task is the actual performing of it because your with people in your class who you can put your trust into and its likely you will fail or make a mistake as will they so they pressure isn't focused directly on you

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