Wednesday 14 May 2014

Finalised Products

Our Music Video

Our Music Poster

Our Website

Our Facebook-
Our Twitter-

Tuesday 1 April 2014

First draft of our music video

Below is our music video, well our first draft, we are currently awaiting feedback from the audience so as that we know what needs changing and what is good or bad about the music video. as by doing this we can improve aspects of our music video that are not up to the best standard possible. Please comment if you have any views that you want to share with myself or the group about the music video

Band Album Poster

Here is our finished poster, this poster is simple and with simple colours. the poster was created to represent the humbleness and simplicity of the band as a whole. The poster we originally created was too flashy and would typically be used for a hip hop band which we are not we wanted to a create a simple poster with a simple colour scheme that people can look at with a deeper meaning.

The poster is a type of homage to the music poster of the band The Buggles who created the poster below for their album "Video Killed the Radio-star" by doing this we are adding an element of post modernism into the coursework which is something we are looking at for the flip side of this Unit. By adding this element to the poster we are creating a deeper level and meaning to our poster rather than leaving it bland and uninteresting.

The poster is symbolical as it shows a cartoon style faces of our two band members myself and Jack, as these cut outs are what our band members are most typical seen at by people, as people see jack with his medium length hair and his beard without taking notice of his eyes or any other feature, the guitar is placed in front of him to show what matters most to him, same with the microphone as it is directly in front of my face as if i was singing but with no facial features to actually do so. The text located on the poster is simple as to not draw attention away from the band but still in the audiences attention due to the colour red being used as red is a colour that is transferred very quickly by the brain.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Group Blog Reflection

The Blog posts i have been doing on my Group Blog has been significantly greater than the posts done on my personal Blog, Its hard to time manage between the two Blogs as-well as finding time for other lessons, the group Blog work currently is mainly about looking at certain aspects of music videos that we as a group enjoy and each writing what we think we could replicate from one video and recreate this into our own music video. For example, I have currently been looking at music videos that contain transitional pieces which are often used to waste time and to show dramatic scenes such as a time lapse, The Fray you found me is a music video I am currently looking at which I think uses this editing feature well as these edits can last between 2-7 seconds and keep the audience enticed within the music video as they are in awe at the beautiful scenes. After this current Blog work is done (meaning looking and researching videos) the next phase is to find locations which we will be able to film and add into parts of the music video that we have already completed. The pictures used show the detail put into just five seconds with of footage in some music videos, the text will also give brief detail as to how we plan to recreate these scenes with setting plans also.

Unless you have amazing eyesight its probably hard to read the text in the age shown above for a better viewing experience follow the link below to our transitions  Blog post on our group website where we will have everything shown in the images below with larger writing, also we will have more detail and further images, Thanks!